Design Pay Transparency
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Design Pay Transparency
Democratising pay data and providing insights to empower people to start having a honest conversation about pay to shape a fairer and more transparent design industry.
Democratise pay data and provide insights to empower people to start having a honest conversation about pay to shape a fairer and more transparent design industry.
We don't talk about pay openly for designers. The unique mix of gender, business, culture, education, immigration, and even family affects the dynamics of how we perceive this as a something that is not meant to be discussed publicly, particularly in South East Asia.
So I’m embarking on this personal project to democratise data and help you gain insights into the market. Hopefully this empowers you to start having an honest conversation about pay.
Overview snapshot for the people who shared.
View the original submission data.
Crowd source materials and links that can help you with your job search.
Here's a bunch of resources and links that I collate with the help of the community. It covers anything from salary guides, negotiation, books, or articles that loosely cover the topic around pay or career.
Questions, feedback, comments, or ideas? Reach out to me on Linkedin.
Design Pay Transparency is created by Jonathan Yap using Notion and Loconotion.